Children’s Dentistry

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At Sharrow Dental, we believe that prevention is better than cure and this is something we work hard to instil within our young patients.

We understand that visiting the dentist can be a daunting, intimidating and even scary experience for children of all ages. With this in mind, our staff always work extremely hard to create an environment that is both friendly and relaxing to ensure that every dentist visit is a positive experience for them. We are confident that by putting in place a strong, trusted relationship between the dentist and our young patients that we can keep them on the path of good oral hygiene, healthy teeth and regular check-ups.

What Age Should Children First Visit the Dentist?

It is important that children have their teeth looked at by a Dentist as soon as their milk teeth start to come through, which can be as early as 6 months of age. These early appointments can be the key to helping young babies familiarise themselves with the sights and sounds of the practice as well as what a typical appointment entails.

By having regular check-ups as soon as possible, we can ensure that any problems can be identified from an early stage and promote excellent oral health that will last well into adulthood.

Do Children Need to Visit the Dentist Regularly?

It is important that a trip to the dentist is not seen as a negative thing to help provide a calm and pleasant experience for the child. The dentist will be able to help deliver positive prevention methods to kids and teach them how to thoroughly brush and care for their teeth to ensure that they are empowered to care for them properly from a young age.

Dentists will also speak to parents about any potential issues or concerns as well as sugar and brushing habits. It is important that children do not miss their check-ups and that they are seen on a regular basis, usually every 6-9 months in order to help keep their teeth healthy.

How Much Does Children’s Dentistry Cost?

All general dentistry services provided for under 18’s is free of charge under the NHS.

At Sharrow Dental we also provide NHS orthodontic services which allows us to monitor the developing teeth, mouth and the way that the teeth come together. Having this vital service within the practice means that our patients benefit from the combined expertise of our dentists and our orthodontic team who have a sterling reputation and are known for doing right by our child patients to help set them up for adulthood.

Sharrow Dental – Children’s Dentist Essex

Our knowledgeable and experienced dentists believe that early intervention is key, and this plays a critical part in their approach to children’s dentistry.

We know that prevention is better than cure and aim to work with the parents and the children to help inform them of good oral hygiene practices, correct brushing techniques and efficient cleaning habits early on to establish the importance of dental health from a young age.

Our friendly dentists will make sure your child is as comfortable as possible and help to create a calm and inviting atmosphere that will help to gain their trust and give them confidence for attending future appointments.

With our preventative approach to children’s dentistry we can also provide things such as fissure sealants, fluoride treatments and both oral hygiene and dietary advice – providing the best possible chance for your child to grow strong, healthy teeth and maintain good dental hygiene for life.

Book Your Child’s Dentist Appointment Today

It’s never too early to start bringing your child to the dentist and to create healthy habits from an early age! From more information on our children’s dental services in Chelmsford and to book an appointment, please call Sharrow Dental on – 01245 354046 to speak to a friendly member of the team.

How can I help prepare my child for their appointment?

In order to make a visit to the dentist a positive experience, parents must be extremely mindful of what they say and how they say it.

  • It’s not uncommon for parents to use the dentist as a warning to children to try to get them to brush their teeth properly. Try not to mention the dentist with negative connotations and instead encourage them with positive language.
  • Speak to them about the dentist and your own dental experiences in a positive way.
  • Book your appointments together if possible so that you can go first to show them there is nothing to be afraid of.
  • Use visual aids and photos to show them what the dentist office looks like and the types of things they will do such as counting teeth and looking in the mouth.

No matter how old your children are it is always important to keep a keen eye on their brushing habits and condition of their teeth to ensure that they are properly taken care of. Some things you can do to help include;

  • Replacing toothbrushes and electric toothbrush heads regularly
  • Show them good brushing techniques
  • Give them a timer to use to ensure they brush for at least 2 minutes
  • Where age appropriate encourage them to let you brush their teeth for them
  • Take them to the dentist regularly
  • Encourage a healthy, balanced diet
  • Lead by example

Because there are many aspects within the teeth that a dentist cannot ascertain from a visual examination alone, your child may require dental x-rays at some point. These are likely to occur as your child gets older to help determine potential issues such as spacing between teeth, growth and eruption, bone disease or if there is evidence of decay.

With the help of these x-rays your child’s dentist will able to better evaluate and diagnose potential problems and determine the best treatment plan going forward.

The dose of radiation is extremely low, and our dentists will always work to minimise the number of x-rays taken.

Looking for local, expert dental care
Get in touch with us today on 01245 354046